As you may know, I have pretty large gap between my second and third baby, almost 5 years to be exact. I can tell you in that time things have gotten a lot more functional and aesthetically pleasing! After my second was born I was convinced for about a two year period that our family was complete so I sold ALL of my baby gear. As an experienced mom due with baby #3, I had to start building my supplies from scratch and as a result, several first time mom friends asked for my list. I realized that this might be pretty rare as most people who build their registries have never had babies before so it ends up a little cluttered with things it turns out you really don’t need. I can tell you that aesthetics are just as important to me as function especially with baby items because they’re expensive and they take up a lot of room in your house. If I’m going to be staring at them all day long I want them to be pleasing to my eyes and make my baby happy. So here goes, drumroll please…. my curated collection of beautiful and functional newborn essentials.

Full disclosure, my husband works for Amazon and we’ve always shopped there for everything even before he became a team member. These are affiliate links in order to compensate for my time and help this mama earn a little side hustle income. If you’re a mama hustler, I hope you can understand the need for this and want to support me in my business too. 🙂
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s get shopping!
Getting Around

- UPPAbaby Vista Stroller, Mesa Car Seat and Bassinet
Ok, I know this UPPAbaby set is pricey but it is absolutely worth every penny!! I chose the Vista stroller because of its large storage capacity and ability to add a second seat in case we decide to go for #4. I have been able to fit a full week’s worth of groceries in the bottom while he napped in the carseat up top so I consider that a major win. I used the bassinet for naps, stroller rides to pick my kindergartener up from school, and out of town travel! He slept so well in it and it was SO convenient. We used it every day until he grew too long for it. In the early days, I would swaddle him and lay him in it for walks and it was like having a portable crib. Words can’t express how much I loved this feature!! - UPPAbaby Bassinette Stand
As I mentioned, I used this for naps in the downstairs of my home. It was set up in my dining room so I could put him down for a pre-dinner nap or grab it quickly for those long afternoon walks. The stand was given to me by my sister in law but it’s worth the expense because it converts to a laundry hamper when you’re finished! - UPPAbaby Hamper Insert

2. Skip Hop Portable Sound Machine
I use this every time we are on the go. It is either attached to the stroller, carseat or stashed in my diaper bag. The owl is really cute and it has several sound choices so it never drove me bonkers.
3. Land Diaper Bag
Diaper bags have gotten so much cuter and more affordable since my last baby! I chose this bag because it was super budget friendly, neutral, and has lots of storage. This bag is an amazing value!
4. Neutral Pacifier Clip
These pacifier clips are as pretty as they are functional. You can use this to attach it to their carseat straps, baby carrier, or their outfits so their pacifier doesn’t fall on the floor.

5. Ergobaby 360 Carrier with Cool Air Mesh
I had an Ergobaby carrier with my first two but it wasn’t until recent years that they became 360. I love the cool mesh as it keeps the baby cool even in our brutal summers in the South. I love wearing him when I’m cooking, cleaning up, or he’s just having a fussy day and won’t let me put him down. This is also great for putting them to sleep in the early days when you need to hold them off for their next feeding. We both love this experience and that face is me realizing I want 1M more kids because there is no better feeling than wearing your baby.
6. Milk Snob Car Seat and Nursing Cover
This is a super clutch item. We had Asher two days before Christmas and had famiy in town immediately after he was born. I was able to entertain and nurse him without having to worry about exposing myself. This cover also doubles as a car seat cover that keeps strangers fingers off of your super cute cargo. BUY IT!
7. Aden + Anais Essentials Easy Wrap Swaddle
I love their blankets and use them for everything! A swaddle with velcro is a game changer for your little houdini. I only use velcro swaddles because I don’t have the patience to rewrap them a million times a day. Save your sleep deprived sanity and do the same.
8. DockATot Deluxe Co-Sleep Lounger
I didn’t have this item with my first two because it seemed like an “extra”. This made life so easy in those early days. I bought mine used from a friend and am so glad I had it. We used it for co-sleeping in our bed the first two weeks and then set it directly in his crib until he was 2-3 months old. To him it made both our bed and his crib seem like the same cozy environment and that is priceless.

9. Wubbanub Pacifier
Both my second and my third have been huge Wubbanub fans. Again, pricey for a paci but I only have three and don’t lose them because they are easy to find!

10. 4Moms Mamaroo 4 Baby Swing
I found this swing at a consignment shop when I was only about 5 months pregnant. I’m so glad I scooped it up because he loved it!!
11. Boppy Newborn Lounger
My mother in love bought this for me before I even knew what it was! Asher spent SO much time on this before he could roll. He would take naps on my sofa next to me or on the kitchen island while I was meal prepping. DO not leave them unattended when using this lounger but it’s perfect for creating a cozy little spot when you want to be hands free and close by.

12. Fisher Price Infant to Toddler Rocker
I used this A LOT and still do. Perfect for moving around the house before they’re ready for an activity jumper. This is best for a baby about 1month+- when they’re no longer just content with laying and staring up at nothing. HA!
13. Little Tikes Baby Foam Diaper Changing Pad
Yes, yes, yes!! A foam diaper changing pad I can just wipe off after each diaper change, yes, PLEASE! No more washing covers that create even more laundry. I absolutely love this product and it’s a great alternative to a more popular changing pad (you know the one-$$$).

14. Infant Optics Baby Monitor
This monitor has great picture quality, long battery life, and has amazing reviews. I’m super happy with it and love watching my sweet baby sleep.

15. Serta’s Tranquility Eco Firm Crib and Toddler Mattress
I wanted a highly rated and comfortable crib mattress. No regrets with this one!
16. Handmade Hot Air Balloon Mobile
This is a beautiful and neutral mobile that could go with any theme. We attached ours to the ceiling for a more whimsical look!
17. Munchkin Warm Glow Wipe Warmer
Ok, I will admit that I definitely rolled my eyes at wipe warmers with my first two. However, I will say this was so nice to have for a winter baby. I loved that this one glowed with a simple press of the button so I didn’t have to turn a light on for those middle of the night diaper changes. I also felt that the warmed wipes kept from startling him out of a deep sleep. You decide if that’s extra or not!
18. Little Dove Wooden Play Gym
This is a beautiful play gym that he still plays with even at 7 months old. It looks beautiful in any room and is simple to move around. 5 stars from this mama.

I put together a list of my favorite toys that are both aesthetically pleasing but still exciting for babies. I don’t think you can go wrong with any of them! I’m going to put together another list for baby toys best for 5months+ and will link it back here.
19. Crochet Bunny Teething Ring Teether and Rattle
20. %20 Neutral%20Stacking%20Cups%20
21. Jellycat Koala
All of my kids have a special jellycat! My seven year old sleeps with the small white bunny, my second slept with this fox from 1-4yo every single night, and now Asher has this sweet little koala. They wash well and are SO cuddly and cute.
22. Manhattan Toy Artful Skwish Rattle and Teether for Grasping
This toy would look gorgeous on a shelf and be fun to play with!
I’m only going to add a few feeding items to this list because they really don’t need much in the early days. I’m going to put together more complete feeding essential list for 4months+ and link it back later. I’m including high chairs in this list so you add it to your budget!
24. OXO Tot Sprout Gray and Birch High Chair
This chair is beautiful and fits in perfectly with the design in my breakfast nook. I was really picky about this item because I knew from experience it would be in a prominent place in my house for the next 3-4 years. OXO really hit the mark on this one!

25. Inglesina Fast Table Chair
I added this to my registry because I wanted Asher to have a safe seat at my island. The first time I put him in it he felt SO big and to this day sits so well in it. I love that it’s compact so it travels easily and could be used in restaurants (in a post pandemic world), vacations, or at grandma’s house!

26. Philips Avent Natural Baby Bottle Newborn Starter Gift Set
Everyone has their own opinion about what bottles are best. I used this brand with my second and loved them so I registered for them again with my third. I chose simplicity and didn’t overthink it.
Shoo, how does something so little need so much?! These are great items to get you started with your registry! As mentioned before, I will put together more lists like travel items, infant capsule wardrobes, 5month+ toys, feeding essentials once they start eating solids and more. Stay tuned and share with anyone you know who’s expecting and feeling a little overwhelmed at all of their choices ahead! Let me know your favorite items I might be missing in the comments below.

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