Today’s sermon really got me thinking. Lately, I’ve been trying to figure out why I can’t stop proclaiming my love for Jesus and why it feels so different right now. I’ve only experienced this one other time and it only happens when I am obedient and completely submissive to His call.
For most of my life, I’ve recognized Him as my Savior but it’s only when I’m truly obedient and submissive to His plans that I feel truly FREE.
This freedom makes me feel brave in ways I can’t even describe. Without it, I would never share the authentic testimony I write to you. I would never have stepped away from real estate, a well paying career that provided a lot of fulfillment, which freed up my time to start this blog.
Putting your life’s plans in God’s hands will feel like a free fall. It will not make sense, at times it will be completely terrifying; but He will catch you. If your intentions are pure, and you’re pursuing His path, not your own ambition; then He will set you free.
If you are a Christian but have never felt this connected to our Father, I’d encourage you to start reading your Bible regularly (this is how He speaks to us!) and repeatedly praying for the Lord to reveal His plan for your life. Tell Him you are willing to follow His lead and give Him room to work.
I’m fully aware that being submissive is completely countercultural. It is considered weak and, in our society, absolutely not something to pursue. This is different because you are being submissive for a purpose and to the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
If you’re scared you’re not worthy or “good” enough, therefore, you can’t be used; let me set the record straight. There is absolutely nothing you can do to earn grace. Not a single thing. He freely gives it because he loves us; you were not entitled to it. You were undeserving and He sent his Son to die (and rise again!) for you anyway.
The key is recognition of Jesus versus submission to Jesus.
Read Acts 9:1-22 and see what he did through a guy named Saul; a murderer, persecutor of the faith, who submitted his life to Jesus and became Paul. You know, the one who wrote most of the New Testament? Yeah, that guy. So don’t worry, if Saul can be transformed and used by Christ; you can too.
His humble servant,
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